We use machine learning algorithms to construct a novel news-based index of US environmental and climate policy uncertainty.
New SNF research project starting in October 2023 - The project will explore policy solutions to mitigate disruptions in the supply of critical minerals for the clean energy transition.
SNF-NPR73 research project completed as of August 2022 - How can financing instruments help to channel investments towards cleantech companies?
Selected Publications
Noailly, J., L. Nowzohour, M. van den Heuvel and I. Pla (2024) Heard the news? Environmental policy and clean investments. Journal of Public Economics 238, pp 105-190.
Dugoua, E., Dumas, M., & Noailly, J. (2022). Text-as-data in environmental economics and policy. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 16(2). 346-356
Noailly, J. and R. Smeets (2021) Financing Energy Innovation: Internal Finance and the Direction of Technical Change, Environmental and Resource Economics. 83(1), 145-169.
Andersen, M. and J. Noailly (2021) Environmental policy and clean innovation in the mining sector, In: Global Challenges for Innovation in the Mining Industry, Daly A., Humphreys D., Raffo J. and Valacchi G. (eds), Cambridge University Press.
Wurlod, J.D. and J. Noailly (2018) The impact of green innovation on energy intensity: An empirical analysis for 14 industrial sectors in OECD countries, Energy Economics, 71, pp. 47-61.
Sarr, M. and J. Noailly (2017) Innovation, diffusion, growth and the environment: Taking stock and charting new directions, Environmental and Resource Economics, 66(3), pp. 393-407.
Noailly, J. and V. Shestalova, (2017) Knowledge spillovers from renewable energy technologies: Lessons from patent citations, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 22(3), pp. 1-14.
Noailly, J. and R. Smeets (2015) Directing technical change from fossil-fuel to renewable energy innovations: An empirical investigation using patent data, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 72(C), pp. 15-37.
Noailly, J. and D. Ryfish (2015) Multinational firms and the internationalization of green R&D: A review of the evidence and policy implications, Energy Policy, 83(C), pp. 218-228.
Noailly, J. (2012) Improving the energy efficiency of buildings: The impact of environmental policy on technological innovation, Energy Economics, 34, pp. 795-806.